Old Grammarians Society

Attending Melbourne Girls Grammar is the beginning of a lifelong connection to the School and its community.

Welcome, MGGS Old Grammarians!

With over 13,000 members our Old Grammarians Society (OGS) is a fundamental part of our MGGS Community. The OGS was founded in 1904 and today, our Old Grammarians or OGs as they are more fondly known, can be found in all corners of the world. Our large network of Old Grammarians represents an expansive and impressive range of experience, backgrounds and professional pursuits and we value the contribution and connection of every member.

With the hope of remaining connected to all of our students once they venture beyond our red brick walls, every past student of MGGS is welcomed back as a life member of the OGS.

A powerful education and a network of lifelong friendships aren’t the only benefits of being an OG. There are a wide range of OG programs and events offered by the OGS annually.

No matter what your strengths are, be they academic, athletic or artistic, MGGS has offered me the opportunity to forge relationships that are lasting, authentic and founded on complementary values. The connections that we as OGs make serve to enhance and support any and all pathways that are forged beyond the Red Brick Walls.

Emma Grant (1991)

The committee

The Old Grammarians Society Committee consists of a diverse group of women, from recent School leavers to long-standing members of the Society. These women bring a wealth of knowledge, experience and enthusiasm to the Society and work closely together, each having a great deal of fun doing so.

Current Office Bearers:

Trudie Horsfall (1976)
OGS President

Libby Jones (Davey, 1964)
Secretary/ Records Secretary

Rowena Mytton (Watson, 1983)


Sophia Grammenos (1989)

Cindy Han (2006)

Miranda Hoffman (2018)

Lucy James (2012)

Athena Kellis (Scotis, 1965)
Events Rep

Margaret McNaughton (Atkins, 1955)
Gilman Jones Trustee Rep

Fiona Nicholson-Stocker (1985)

Philippa (Pip) O’Connor (Farrer, 1965)

Venetia Pattchet (Streeton, 1965)
DJ Ross Trustee Rep

Judy Wilkinson (Rutty, 1965)
Immediate Past President

Polly Winterton (HLM)
Arts Rep

The Committee works closely with the MGGS Marketing and Community Engagement Office to coordinate and support functions and initiatives and stay in touch with graduates.

If you would like to learn more about the committee and opportunities to get involved, please email community@mggs.vic.edu.au.

Trudie Horsfall
Old Grammarians Society Committee President

Trudie Horsfall

Old Grammarians Society Committee President


Our school is proud of its network of alumnae living across the world. To stay connected with Old Grammarians outside of Melbourne, our OGS Branches, locally and internationally, organise branch events and communications.

There is an established OG Branch within each State of Australia, in addition to current international Branches in the UK and the USA. News and events hosted by these Branches are shared on MGGS Connect.


The 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Old Grammarians Society (OGS) will be held on Monday 13 May 2024, at 5.00pm, at Melbourne Girls Grammar, in the Artemis Centre.