From the Principal: 30 October 2018

From the Principal: 30 October 2018

I warmly commend Year 12 for the delightful way in which they concluded their time at MGGS. With fun and a bit of clever planning, they celebrated their final day of classes and thanked their teachers for their ongoing support. The Valedictory Assembly and Dinner gave us an opportunity to acknowledge and thank Year 12, to remember fondly their journey through school, and to send them in to the world with our love and support. Written VCE Examinations begin on Wednesday, and I hope that the incredible work ethic these girls have demonstrated provides them a personally rewarding outcome. Best wishes Year 12! 

To the Class of 2018, we wish you well during your exams and for the years beyond. Continue to embrace your individuality and strength of character, let your strong moral compass guide you in making the right choices, work hard, do the very best you can. We are all so proud of you. 

Year 12 Coordinator, Bianca Rigoni

Outstanding student achievements

Gaia Bahaar, Year 11 Student has been selected to attend the elite Australian Science Olympiad Summer School held at the Australian National University (ANU) in January 2019.

Gaia has achieved an outstanding performance in the competitive qualifying exam in August, in which over 6,000 students registered to take part. Gaia will join 94 of Australia’s highly capable science students at this intensive residential program, working hard to secure a spot in representing Australia at the 2019 International Science Olympiads.

Congratulations to Emma McRobert who has been awarded the Melbourne Principals’ Scholarship. This scholarship is offered to Victorian Year 12 or International Baccalaureate students in recognition of their academic achievement and contribution to their school or wider community, a wonderful achievement.

I am pleased to announce that Year 10 Student Sophie Hodge and Year 12 Student Celia Purvis have received the ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Awards. The awards are an important initiative by the Australian Government in conjunction with the Australian Defence Force designed to encourage senior students, tomorrow’s leaders, to actively participate in the life of their schools and local communities. This is such an honour for these students and recognises their immense talent and commitment.

A cultural immersion trip to Laos in the September break became a life-shaping experience for 22 Year 9 and 10 Students. Life long memories, friendships and a special bond were created as each student eagerly immersed themselves in the experience. The time away opened their eyes to the culture and the customs of the Lao people – their kind-heartedness, the food, the arts, the environment and their strong beliefs and practice in Buddhism. It also allowed each student to spend time in a rural village home-stay, a humbling experience spending time with Laos families, learning about farming life, enjoying a connection with the local children and partaking in a working project – building a classroom for the village primary school.

Our annual Art Exhibition, showcasing students’ work from ELC to Year 12, has been highly commended by those who attended. We were privileged to have 2018 Archibald Prize winning artist, Yvette Coppersmith, give the address at our Opening ceremony. She spoke passionately about women and leadership, and encouraged girls to walk confidently in the world and push back against gender limits. This year the Principal’s Art Acquisition Award went to Ella Porter for her piece Layering History, and the Polly Winterton Award went to Ella Anderson for Operation Imagination and Perception and Reaction. Congratulations to all the students who exhibited work and to the Art Faculty for their outstanding leadership of the Art Program.

The Celebration of Sport Dinner was very well attended and I appreciated the emphasis on values and teamwork that ran throughout the awards and presentations, complemented beautifully by the guest speaker’s address. Ahmed Kelly engaged us with his personal story of overcoming significant challenges to achieve elite status as a para Olympian swimmer. Sports Captains, Cleo Faulks and Edwina Carr, led the program on the evening, doing a stellar job. Many thanks to the Sports Auxiliary, Community Office and Sport staff for their contributions.

Athlete of the Year Awards

  • Track & Field – Hannah Alper-Duke
  • Cross Country – Charlotte Drake
  • Equestrian – Rhianna Gallagher
  • Rowing – Cleo Faulks
  • Snow Sports – Ryann Fergus
  • Netball – Charlotte Clemenger
  • Swimming – Jasmine Cash
  • Caroline Wilson Award – Isabella Fletcher
  • Pierre de Coubertin – Erin Garbler and Sarah Gigante
  • Wildfell Award – Emily Lawson

The 2019 Student Executive Council (SEC) Inauguration took place in the Chapel of St Luke last week, presided over by the Very Reverend Dr Andreas Loewe, Dean of Melbourne. The message was one of service to community, living the School Values, and being authentically connected to peers. We wish the girls well as they undertake their leadership roles.

Old Grammarian Victoria Coyle (2008) has been recognized by the Royal Society of Victoria as the Young Scientist of the Year [Physical Sciences]. She was commended by the Parliament of Victoria, which then culminated in the opportunity to visit Government House for the Victorian Youth Leaders Reception, in the presence of Their Royal Highnesses, last week. Victoria is currently progressing her PhD studies in Advanced Nanomaterials for Diabetic Monitoring. We congratulate Victoria on this outstanding achievement and wish her well as she builds a brilliant career in Science.

Lisa Beaumont has completed four years of outstanding service as President of the Parents Association. At the Term 4 meeting we acknowledged and thanked her for her wise, calm, and encouraging leadership. I have personally enjoyed working with Lisa, benefitting from the wonderful collaboration. Lisa and her daughter Emma (Class of 2018) will return to Canada after the end of this school year, joining Neil and Amanda (Class of 2015) in Toronto. Safe travels and best wishes for the next chapter!